Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is it time for Twilight and New Moon's Robert Pattinson to make his Indie album?

The following report by Magpie indicates that Indie music has been enjoying quite a bit of success, which begs the question - is now the perfect time for Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and Little Ashes star Robert Pattinson to make and distribute his Indie album?
Magpie states:
Independent artists and labels had a banner year at the 2009 Grammy Awards winning 56 of the 110 awards given or just over 50% of the total prizes.
“The continued growth of independent music is underscored by the success of independent artists and labels at this year’s Grammy’s. Music released by artists on independent labels scored 56 Grammys Sunday night out of a total of 110 awarded including Album of the Year and Record of the Year (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss), Best Alternative Music Album (Radiohead), Best Reggae Album (Burning Spear), Best Comedy Album (George Carlin) and Best Jazz Instrumental Album (Chick Corea & Gary Burton). Last year, independents won 36 awards,” stated Jim Mahoney, VP of the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM).
We already discussed the fact that Robert Pattinson is interested in making an Indie album at some point (see here), but with the success of Indie albums of late, we have to wonder whether Rob should get to work on the album sooner than later? Many fans say it doesn't matter when Rob makes the album, they'll get it no matter what. With the success of Rob's work on the Twilight soundtrack and the How to Be soundtrack, that is not hard to believe. Yet, with long-time friends like Bobby Long, Marcus Foster, and Sam Bradley up and coming in the music industry, and with no further films confirmed past The Twilight Saga: New Moon (except, of course, Eclipse), you'd think he may want to return to music with his friends.
So what do you think. Is now the time for a Rob Pattinson Indie album breakout? Comment below and let us know!


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