Sunday, April 5, 2009

Robert Pattinson Feeling Left Out On New Moon Set

Robert Pattinson is having a hard time adjusting to his diminished role in Twilight sequel New Moon, according to a report in Life and Style.In New Moon, the emphasis has shifted from Edward Cullen, the character made famous by Robert Pattinson, to Jacob Black, the werewolf character being played by Taylor Lautner. Not only is Taylor the lead, but there's a whole new pack of werewolf hunks who threaten to steal Rob's thunder.Robert may already be growing weary of the phenomena surrounding the franchise."I'm going to be Twilight-ed out by the end of the year," he admitted.Rob Pattinson even spent some time this week denying rumors that have emanated from the set of New Moon. Even the one about him stinking up the set with body odor."I do shower," he said.Fans of Twilight are excited about five new hunks who are appearing in the Sequel. Chaske Spence, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Kiowa Gordan, and Tyson Houseman are playing werewolves, and getting a lot of attention."These kid's lives are going to change," said Rene Haynes, casting director. "They are now stars."The new stars are physically fit and great athletes, whereas Robert has admitted that he's athletically challenged."All the roles require a lot of physicality," said Haynes. "They're all quite fit."Now Rob has to deal with the set dynamics which have changed drastically."He's feeling very worried about being a fading superstar," an insider reported. "And his friends are concerned that Robert's Twilight success may have only been short-lived, and they feel bad for him."


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1 comment:

  1. Well he still has Eclipse and Breaking Dawn where he is back in the spotlight...let's not forget Edward is Bella's TRUE love, wolves or no...and TRUE TWILIGHT FANS are not going to forget he is Edward...New Moon is important in the will all come around again...
