Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson Fight on ‘New Moon’ Set Drama and jealousy over who is the heartthrob, tabloid says

Whenever a movie reaches the levels of exposure and fame that “Twilight” has, rumors are certain to surface about anything and everything, from the relationships between cast members to what they do in the privacy of their own homes. In this context, hearing that Robert Pattinson has gotten physical with much younger Taylor Lautner over who the male hottie on the set of “New Moon” is should probably not come as too much of a surprise.
Fans of the film and the actors who appear in it should bear in mind, though, that this story comes from a tabloid, therefore it would be recommended if we took it with a grain of salt. With this in mind, Life&Style Weekly is reporting that sources on the set of “New Moon” speak of a real drama over Lautner getting to be the lead in the sequel, thus stealing Robert’s thunder. Moreover, the spies say, the conflict has even escalated to physical violence, according to ICYDK.“Taylor Lautner has taken Robert Pattinson’s place as New Moon’s leading man, Jacob Black, and now the newly announced cast that makes up the movie’s wolf pack has stepped on Robert’s heartthrob territory. Even worse, the crew’s reportedly leaking rumors about his bad hygiene, and his co-stars are dishing about Rob’s pickup lines. In the meantime, Taylor’s clearly reveling in his new role – and the notice he’s getting for the roughly 30 pounds of muscle he packed on – from fans and co-star Kristen Stewart.” the tab writes.To add more fuel to the fire, the same sources also speak of Robert’s jealousy at seeing Kristen so close to Taylor in recent weeks, more so as he happens to be very insecure about his looks and extremely shy. Pattinson is not even confident in his kissing technique and fears that his shot at stardom was only short lived, they also add, in what has already been labeled by Robert’s fans (and not only) the most ludicrous statement any tabloid could have ever made. “He’s feeling very worried about his status as a fading superstar. And his friends are also concerned that Robert’s Twilight success may have only been short-lived, and they feel bad for him.” the same spies stress for the magazine. As expected, no publicist connected to Pattinson or “Twilight” has confirmed this story in any way but, if the past is any indication, we should expect a denial from Robert himself. In the meanwhile, fans are free to regard this rumor as they see fit.

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1 comment:

  1. Robert may play a small physical role in this film but don't forget there are two more books. If you've already read them then there should be no worries as he and Bella are back in the spot light together with Jacob as the wing man
