Thursday, April 2, 2009

Twilight Stars Try to Keep Low Profile in Vancouver; Fail Miserably

If you're a star in the Twilight franchise, it must be terrifying comforting to know that no matter where in the world you go, fans of the vampire series have their eyes on you. Their millions and millions of hungry, hormonally-confused eyes on you.

And when they can't track you down, rest assured they can depend on the press to sniff out all your hiding spots and make them public knowledge. Hey, it's their commitment to journalistic integrity-and also, that Twilight stuff has legs.

So, when sightings of the New Moon cast-who are currently filming the sequel in the Vancouver area-were scarce, the Vancouver Sun hit the streets eager to dig up the dirt on where the stars were hiding. And wouldn't you know it-they found out.

According to a Sun source, Robert Pattinson has been a regular at trendy Yaletown eatery Glowbal Grill and Satay Bar. An unnamed manager at the restaurant adds the cast have been by "two or three times a week." The Sun reports that Pattinson has also been spotted at Azia Restaurant in downtown Vancouver, where he reportedly hugged a waitress.

Will he and the cast ever return to enjoy a private meal again? We think you know what to do, Twilighters.

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