Monday, April 6, 2009

5,000 Twilight fans sign online petition requesting that Robert Pattinson host Saturday Night Live

5,000 Twilight fans have signed an online petition requesting that Robert Pattinson be considered to host Saturday Night Live.

The idea was started by a Twilight fan identified as “The_Mad_Chatter,” the campaign reads:

Just Imagine the Skit Possibilities!

We the loyal fans of Twilight and Robert Pattinson petition NBC and Lorne Michaels for a special Twilight show with Robert Pattinson as host. Spunk Ransom’s innately quirky sense of humor and acting abilities make him a perfect host candidate. Combine that with the LEGION of fans thirsting for more Twilight (who have broken viewing records for the movie trailers) and success is assured. Also, the movie soundtrack provides a selection for musical guests.

Sign the petition for Twilight on SNL and help spread the word. For more information on how you can help go to!

While Twilight fans are clamoring for this to happen, SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels told OK! magazine over the weekend, 'We’re all locked in with hosts for this year. Not this season.'


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