Monday, April 6, 2009

First theater begins selling Robert Pattinson film Little Ashes tickets, here we go!

Little Ashes, biopic film about the life and times of uber-creative Spanish artist Salvador Dali, starring The Twilight Saga: New Moon star Robert Pattinson alongside Javier Beltran, Matthew McNulty, Arly Jover, and Marina Gatell, amongst others, has its first venue already selling tickets more than a month in advance.

The film, which is set for release in the United States on May 8th, is expected to draw in many, many eager Rob fans across the globe. Thus, the Clearview Chelsea Cinemas in New York City, New York is taking its cue. It is one of the first few to begin pre-selling tickets online for Little Ashes (to purchase, see here). The film, which is rated R, and will not be available on the opening day in all locations (but what movie is?), is expected to bring in a great deal of praise for Robert Pattinson, as well as viewership from his much-expanded fanbase post-Twilight.

For more on Robert Pattinson, see here.
For ordering information for the How To Be soundtrack, featuring Rob, see here.
To view a snippet of Rob's performance in Little Ashes, see here.
For discussions of Rob's potential Indie album, see here.
Thanks to the Twilight Sisterhood for the tip!


send any of your rob news @

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