Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Zac Efron And Robert Pattinson Losers In Love? The rivals find common ground...

Zac Efron and Robert Pattinson share one thing in common, other than their dreamy hearttrhob status - their poor track record with women.
Believe it or not but Zac and Rob's teenage years were reportedly plagued by hopeless encounters with women.
Zac tells the News of the World, "There were lots of girls who I liked who didn't like me back.
"I could do everything I wanted to at 17 but didn't get the chance to! I was doing musical theatre in high school, and that wasn't necessarily the coolest thing to be a part of."
Zac cringes when he thinks of some of his attempts to woo women gone wrong - in particular a serenade.
He says, "I got nervous beforehand and fluffed the whole chorus - I started singing the wrong lyrics.
"So what was supposed to be a nice little shout-out to a girl I liked ended up messing up the entire chorus of the main song."
Meanwhile, Rob - who has also revealed his diar dating past - says that he was never really a hit with ladies until he gained an all access pass to Hollywood.

send any of your rob news @ planetrobwebsite@gmail.com

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