Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kellan Lutz picks on Robert Pattinson

Kellan Lutz enjoys winding Robert Pattinson up.

The on-screen brothers are going to really enjoy spending more time together whilst filming New Moon.

Kellan Lutz told Twilight fans at AccioCon: "I view Rob as my little brother, it's just funny because I've never really had a little brother that I can pick on because my little brothers are years younger but with Rob he's just so...

"I feel like he's just so innocent even though he's not.

"You could say anything, 'What's wrong with your hair' and he'd be like (stroking his hair, looking scared).

"He just makes me smile so much."

We think it's great that Rob and Kellan have a great friendship and hope that Kellan can help Rob out when he's feeling homesick.

He really misses his dog Patty who lives with his parents in London


send any of your rob news @ planetrobwebsite@gmail.com

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